About Me

William Rob Chen is a 24-year-old semi-professional sports person who enjoys binge-watching boxed sets, eating out and spreading fake news on Facebook. He is inspiring and bright, but can also be very cowardly and a bit unintelligent.

He is Scottish who defines himself as bisexual. He started studying sports science at college but never finished the course.

Physically, William is in good shape. He is very short with light skin, grey hair and black eyes.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. After his mother died when he was young, he was raised by his father

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with a novelist called Christy Irving Wright, who was the same age as him. They broke up because Christy wanted somebody with a bit more 'grr'.

William's best friend is a semi-professional sports person called Keir Mason. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with Christie Robinson and Lindsey Christie. They enjoy duck herding together.